
Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Digital Camera Recommendations

I'm in the market for a new camera, can anyone give me a good recommendation?
It'll be used for graphic design purposes so must have some bells and whistles (control of the shutter speed would be nice, as would some sort of blurryness control and video capabilities), however I'm not mega rich so it also has to give me good value for money.
Any thoughts? CommentAuthorNick CommentTime10 hours ago Buy a Drinkpermalink I have a Canon Powershot S70. It's far away from an SLR, but I can happily change exposure, ISO, colour settings and it has a manual focus mode in addition to the macro mode, where you choose the focal range using a visual slider on the screen (0cm to 5m+).
It's not amazingly new, but it has a high megapixel count, wide lense and decent battery life. It's a workhorse. CommentAuthorMouse CommentTime10 hours ago Buy a Drinkpermalink Richo Caplio R5! top camera in fact i just bought two! CommentAuthorTHiNK CommentTime10 hours ago edited Buy a Drinkpermalink If you are after a dSLR then a Canon EOS350d is spot on - got a few more quid? get the later EOS400d
There are a few photos taken with the 350d on my Flickr page :
Danny CommentAuthorilaskey CommentTime8 hours ago permalink Any idea of budget? I'd second the Canon 350/400 recommendation but those may be more than you want to spend, especially if you start looking at extra lenses etc. Whatever you get, don't get excited by pixel counts, what is important is metering and lens quality. Pixel counts are just for lazy marketeers although they do have a bearing if you are likely to crop right down a lot. CommentAuthorDan CommentTime8 hours ago permalink The Nikon D50 is a good camera. My brother has one, the images are really sharp and it's pretty easy to use while also keeping the pros happy. CommentAuthoriMarc CommentTime8 hours ago permalink I have the Canon Powershot SD600 - its great for personal pictures! Though, it certainly would not be acceptable for professional photography. CommentAuthoriBaz CommentTime6 hours ago permalink I've got a Fuji S5600. When I bought it about a year ago it was as well specced as you'd get without going to an SLR. I'm really happy with it and I think I would have been hard pressed to find something better for the money. It is quite hefty though, so I generally carry my old PowerShot A40 around for snapshots. CommentAuthormickyBoy CommentTime3 hours ago permalink I agree with THINK and ilaskey - go for a Canon 350D or 400D.
I've used both Nikon and Canon SLRs and they are both good; I'd say Canon comes out on top in terms of technology - very accurate and fast, and Nikon has the edge in terms of lenses - very crisp images.
The difference is pretty subjective though. What you decide on is really down to you.
I agree that pixel count isn't everything, and don't let your arm be twisted by sales people in camera shops. 1 to 9 of 9

# posted by accessibility @ 7:06 PM 3 Comments

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